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毕竟我也只在面子书打滚过 ><




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随兴? 三分钟热度? 没有耐心?










只是妈生我成这脾性... 我也不想呗~













当然,也是打绕在 “” 的身上....

解决问题的第一方案:做功赚钱, 成了本人现在首要的任务!!

无论是Part Time 的... Full Time的... 有不错的收入我一并要!!


当然,不包括付出了的但并没有同等的回报 ...





那么, 我等着你咯~我的 Dream JoB~ 

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Suppose it was the date that everyone celebrating together,

but since i have crashed my car and not sure can i get the Compensation payments from that uncle,

i need $$$$ for repaired my car!!


*my pity car  *

that's y nid to look for more n more opportunity thay can earn money~

when Bro ask whether can on Christmas Day ,

the onli word i reply him : Sure!!

and this is how i get the job on Jusco Klang Bkt Raja

I tot is was a quite easy job since my bro say it was a Malay Product and 70% of the customer on Bkt Raja was Malay also...

But when i reach there...

i found something...

That was no one listen to us!!

although we hav free Hand Spa Treatment service for them,

it was not enough to attract them to come and view our booth!

and it make me feel that i was do nothing there


* Free Hand Spa Treatment here~ have a look here *

luckily.... there was 1 case i do before i quit this job

do u imagine that our total sale for whole day only hav 2 cases onli???

it was a shameful for me since i quite hv experience on road show sale...

but actually the banner and all the decoration for the booth actually quite weak for attracting ppl come...

the first sight will make u feel that it was the booth that promoting credit card ==

erm... bro say his company wanna cut budget so he cant make a perfect booth for us

quite sad when listen it...

however... we have try our best to make more sale~

and v hv complete our task finally also,

although it was not a gud result lo...

I juz work for a day because the next day job was given to another top sale part-timer and her husband~

her husband was expert on shaping Balloon in anything,

so my bro believe that i would more attract children to hav a look and when the moment they can promote the service to their parent also

it was DAMN SUCCESS because their whole day sale for Sunday was 10 cases!!


*crowded by the people *


*Bicycle shape Balloon is the best thing to attract people around the booth!*

congratulation to them  ^^  

Although dint hv celebration on Christmas day... but the surrounding feeling in my workplace was tell me : It was Christmas

 In the end.. wanna say MERRY CHRISTMAS to all My Friends

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erm... not sure how i outlooking now..

but since sim sim have say that i been more mature after i cut my hair,

i hv take out all of my old album (actually is viewing the album in friendster and facebook ==),

and do a comparison wif now...

secondary school time

*think that was form 2 or form 1 ...wif cake cake=)*

*form 5.. the time SPM was coming soon*

*fashion show for the chinese society club*

18 years old birthday

*birthday party at QQ restaurant.. with my dearest: da biang gang~*

the time work for $$

*the time work at sub.. really miss my supervisor : Hui Chuan(left) now..*

*work for PC fair, sensonic, with my dearest simsim and by 6 together, it was a wonderful experience in my working time*

start to learn Makeup 

*still remember is shing yee and simsim help do the makeup for me in ling ling 21st birthday party~*

*see my eyes, so big!! haha~ effect of makeup wad~*

Now.. short hair and b more mature..(or old??)


*latest hair style,nice for me?*

hmmp.. so ...

anyone got any comment for my 'evolution' ?

for myself i think i dint change alot lo..

i still dat 'innocent' , 'cute', and 'friendly' lo~

how do you think??

LitterRic3 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

I dint change my hairstyle for a number of years,

now, since i hv choose this job,

i must proof that i want to be serious in this career,

the first thing i need to do was change my out looking.

Actually , i'm not the person that like 'changing' always...

that's y i can keep my hairstlye in a long time...

but since i want to make sure that i look like mature and trust-able...

i hv change my hairstlye!!

even though this short hairstlye will make my face b round and round!!

bt nvm ...( sough sough.....)

at least no one saying that my hairstlye is look worse compare with last time~

thanks for the hairstylist that cut my hair~( dunnoe his name already, really paiseh ==)

and short hair was so easy to take care, some more i can reduce the amount of the shampoo that use on myhair now!! haha~


@ the hairsytle i use to be for a number of years @


@that was my new hairstyle, suitable for me or not??@

Ps* really thanks MAEKO accompany go cut hair~ i really hate to go saloon alone, because no one can suggest me wat kind of the hairstyle i can cut...

LitterRic3 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

27日上云顶, HLA 专诚邀请了戴晨志博士为我们分享他的励志作品,


1959年生于台湾花莲,成长于台南、嘉义、云林、台中、台北等地;美国威斯康辛州马凯特大学广播电视硕士、美国俄勒冈大学口语传播博士。  戴晨志博士在成长过程中经历了不少坎坷和波折,使他积累了丰富的生活阅历和人生体验。秉承“为大众写书”的创作理念,他扎扎实实积累资料,留心观察生活点滴小事,细心挖掘小人物的故事,激励自己,也激励他人勇敢面对人生挑战。  自1994年以来,他已出版了35部脍炙人口的心灵励志佳作,在台湾地区的销量突破350万册。近10年来,多次被评为金石堂书店、诚品书店“年度十大畅销书作家”。他的作品积极向上,轻松幽默,更具实用智慧,往往能给人以深刻的启示,成为广大读者心目中的“心灵导师”;他每年举行逾百场演讲,目前已累计突破3000场次,影响了近300万人,被誉为“激励大师”、“东方卡内基”。近年来,他曾多次到北京、上海、西安、广东等地的政府机关、企业、学校进行演讲,同样受到了听众的热烈欢迎。






我要抄了不少咯 =)


1.力量来自渴望, 成功来之坚持






















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没完成的事大抵也推于 : 这不是我能力以内能完成的!










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我会以双语: 华语和英语来素描我的心情文章,







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finally i get my internet~


although hv spend m 3 months to apply it...

but at least i can online now...

dear my friends.. I'M BACK!

first to all, nid to thanks the pople name: Mohd Khairol Shah Bin Ramli..

he is a worker that in TM Point Kepong...

without him, i think i wont get the line so fast!

he is a very responsible ppl in TM!! ( in my point)

i hv go so many time to TM to settle the problem of my internet, but all the time the suck staff will has some ' mistake ' on doing my task!

i also no idea y dis will happen, so i keep complaint to the guy ,

the guy showing a face emotion that like he noe what i want to express now,

and say that : ok, i will help u to settle anything, u can get ur streamyx within 1 week, if not u can call to my phone and ask me to check it,'

oo~ u c, izzit he was a responsible guy?

and u guess what, i got my internet juz 2 days after that!!

that was a efficient work i havent seen b4 (for TM onli lar),

some more, he called to me after 1 day i get my internet to confrim that i hv my thing or not!!

~so touching~

so far, no nid go out and take that damn heavy laptop to online, this is the wonderful thing to me~

beside that, i wont disconnected wif my friends , dis is the main point that i cant missing an internet...

ya noe.. now is the golden era... everyone updated their status to fb... 

if i cant get to know they will tot tat i'm 'out' already....

okok.. so after i get my line now.. is the time to start my job lo!!

so my friend.. please cheer up for me ya!

LitterRic3 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()


there was  3 months i dint online already!!!

why this will be happen in my life!!

i cant believe that i have been disconnected with my friend online 3 months!!

The reason that make all of this happen was that DAMN STREAMYX!!

their service was damn SUCK SUCK SUCK SUCK SUCK...... unlimited SUCK!

i have try to apply that cool uni pack start from end of May...

first time, they say my living area cant support the 4 mbps cable so cant approve my application,

the let me know this 'NEWS' after 1 month i go TM point register....

that means.. they have waste my 1 MONTH and do nothing to me!!

ok.. nvm, i go TM point there again and this time i want to downgrade the application to 1 mbps,

i ask the staff there do i nid to fill any application form again?

i still remember that staff reply me wif smile say that :" is ok, i will help u to do it~"

ok , so i go back home and wait for the technician come my house for installing the cable...

but.... 1 MONTH pass again,

there are nothing !

no technician , no call ,

so i call to 100 for asking what is the status of my application now...

but you know what the lady telling me?

sorry, there was no 1 mbps application show here...


i ask the lady to check carefully but she telling me the same thing also,

o... i was totally want lost control already!

so i started to do ' complaining ' about their service to the lady,

you know what she doing during with my conservation ?


HOW CAN she can do dat!

start from dat moment, i decided that i never ever will go TM point or involve myself on any business in STREAMYX!

but my bro still supported STREAMYX say that,their speed was the most stable and fast in MAL...

ok lo den... i will keep wait and c nid wait how long 'AGAIN" to get the internet!!

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is going to face the last paper b4 graduate diploma ...

actually it is a resit paper for me... dat's y now i full of scared emotion when i think of it!!
i scared that i will fail on this paper and cant graduate my diploma !!

i don't want to wait 1 more year juz because i fail on dis paper...

untill now... i still not understand y i will fail dis subject... although i read the wrong part from the guidelines.. but i still confident in answer it! 

when i noe i fail dis subject.. i really damn sad and disappointed.. 

because b4 we get our result , friends say worry about dis paper i still remember that time i say that: " i think is ok for us to pass it!"

omg... how shame i say this kind of thing and after dis i fail it!!

most of my friend has started their honey moon bt for me... i still nid to wait until 27 April!!

geram nya....y this paper nid plan in b4 27 ..... haiz...

bt after exam i think i also cant enjoy my holidays...

because i going to work part time and earn money... A LOT OF $$$!!

i don't want anyone say that I'M USELESS AND JUZ LIKE TO SPEND MONEY!!

although i spend money to buy anything bt i using my own money... DIS IS MY BUSINESS!!!

i noe u nt going to listen to my explaination.. n i also noe dat u wont c this post in forever of ur life...

bt i wanna tel u.... U R WRONG IN UR PERCEPTION TOWARD ME!!!

ooop... maybe got some overtopic here.... haha.. paiseh...

anyway.. wish everyone can bless for me in passing this subject.. my future.. IS WAITING FOR ME!

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i really tired for the relationship of friend now...
some people i tot i know them vry wel but now i juz find it not like dat...
izzit i hav change n it make me think differently or is U has change???
i got no idea... i hope .. i just for temporary...
because... I really TIRED of this kind relationship!!
IT IS so fake for me to maintain!!!
always smile in front of u all not means that I am happy with the statement that u all talking about...
i not rejected it is because i care about this relationship and don't like to spoil it..
but... it is so hard for me to maintain now....
i so Sick wif that FAKE face, action, attitude,behavior and so on....
maybe is gud for me if i NOT VERY CARE about friend....

LitterRic3 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

as usually... i work for PC fair again..
as usually... i work for Sensonic again...
as usually... i stay at my friend house for easy me go to work...
but the different is: i stay at college hostel ~
n... because of i always will force myself to serious in every job that i hv..
so it make me get pressure in my worktime also...
but now... i noe how to get enjoy~
and .. i really like the member that we work together~
although... there are '2' problem guys is inside our group..
but dis is small pro onli~
Jason has change a lot in dis PC fair~
not onli me feel like dat..other senior dat work b4 also think like dat!
he change to b more flexible to discount the product~
not like last time so 'kiam siap' lo~
and dis has make MORE easy for our work !
cause v hv a point that would make customer wanna purchase the product!
hoho... and i hv successful clear the stock of G20 mouse~
thanks for my group member Kiki and Antox boy~
although they as a junior dat first time work for PC fair but they gud in promote also~
For our TOP SELLER & MAIN SPEAKER miss Tan Annlyn...
thanks for ur leading~
Miss Sim Maeko also suffer for scouting in whole day .. muz take care ur voice ya~
Mr. Chocolate Card was pro in explain the GPS!!
Miss Jaclynn and Evelyn they also expert in their section~
although i damn tired after work nonstop in 3 days.. bt v really feel happy and hv fun wif u all~
luv u all~
btw... i hv buy webcam already.. hoho~ so happy~
wait for next PC fair~

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is a long long time ...
i dint online within 2 1 week!!!
1 week , 7 days , 168 hours for me dint online in house!!
although d pc has been repair and send back to my house..
but without a connection to internet... pc become useless for me already...
i'm thirsty for online is last week!!!
luckily we still got a spare modem for back up...
ya noe.... a modem is worth for hundred more...
my mom sure wont easily to spend the money for it...
my elder bro always say dat:
' u 1 xxx den pls giv me money or nothing'
damn him!!
if i got money den wont ask him to fix the pc lar!
i wont direct call somebody go to my house and fix o???
bt luckily,
my eldest bro noe how to fix the pro and now i can online anytime~
luv him~
bt now still got a problem...
i havent start my revision since dis Thursday!!
not because i'm lazy ya~
erm.... maybe a bit lar~
but de main reason is: i'm get fever already...
at the first... i tot i really get H1N1 ...
so scared...
cause dis fever has keep continue 4 days already...
but luckily~
im b recover today~
although sore throat stil remain ...
hope can b recover completely before Monday is coming!
because... tomorrow was de first day for me to step into WAR FIELD!
my friends... please pray for me!!

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maybe.. i'm kind of an 'idiot' in editing blog...
how to add picture, link friend blog, changing the layout...
i'm really weak on dis all...
i try to ask ppl and do it myself but it doesn't work..
Lian.. i hav get ur guideline for doing dis but sorry for my 'stupid'...
if some of my friend noe how to do dis...

LitterRic3 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()


when i sign in msn den i will found dat,
most of my friend was confusing on 'LOVE' problem....
i noe.. now is the period ( around age of 20 ) for us to think about it...
sometime... i also will think dat... will i never couple wif someone else again?
i noe myself very well... i wont like de others will spend their time wif their 'partner'..
i rarely go out wif boys.. especially wif 1 boy onli...
i scared i will make him misunderstanding or something..
haiz.... izzit my attitude got something wrong??
i noe... i cant escape dis kind like thing anymore... if keep like dat... i think i really will become 'lao gu po ' lo...
when i noe someone was admire on me...
i will automatically think dat: i nid to reject him / nid to keep a distance wif him
weird right???
i also think like dat...
i can keep a gud friendship wif boys,
but i cant accept them b my 'partner'...
and dis make me miss a chance....
now i always keep de memory that wif 'him'..
can i say that i'm regret??
but dis all is past already..
Valentine & CNY are coming soon..
know dat everybody will confusing on dis issue~
dat's y i also post my problem here...
fa qiao mar~
in the end...
luv u all~ muaks~

LitterRic3 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

POP: public opinion and persuasion

actually.... i'm feel strange on dis subject
because i think dat dis is de common sense paper and dunnoe wat will b out as de question for dis paper...
i really scared that wat i thinking was not b acceptable as de answer!!
the lecturer and the tutor never tell us about de 'guideline' for dis exam..
erm... their advice are: read all de chapter lo~
my god...
if v r so hard to study all de chapters den no nid to ask for de 'guideline' lo~
but noe that de tutor stil fresh in dis college lar~
even she noe which chapter is including on de paper but stil wont dare to tel us de lo~
haiz... but de question muz will related to the 1Malaysia de...
i'm too boring to do dis kind of question already lo...
feel like nid cover my 'liang xin 'den juz can write de 'correct' answer lo~
if not how v can do???
write our real comment on de paper???
sorry lo.. v juz a college student onli....
hope i can pass dis paper !!!
cause i dun 1 to do dis kind of paper again lar!!!

LitterRic3 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

im hv long time

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Omg.... y dis week v nid to summit sooooo many assignment?????
i b use to rush my assignment... but not like dis!
it is really tired... non stopping to run run run~
some more, v got 3 days 8am cls continuous...
it make me nid to wake up so early to prepare myself go college...
i nid MORE time to sleep lar....


It is too hard for me to designing de magazine by using cs4 lar...
omg... y miss dun allow us to using power point?
it is easier and easier than using adobe...
v r not designing student lo... ok?

luckily v can finish dis assignment before de deadline...
but... v hv spend more den RM10 juz print out dis full assignment!!
omg... it is juz de data and analysis onli... y stil nid soooo money spend on it?
i soooo poor now...
and v nid to pass up de second assignment in next week also!
damn lo!
where i got time to make it...
some how i nid to work pc fair in dis friday also...
Please giv me more and more time to finish my assignment first!

Media Advertising
juz finish de advertisement designing,
now nid to prepare de second assignment le!!
and.... juz 2 ppls in a group...
some more... i cant found any newspaper and magazine in English language in my house also~
how to cut the advertisement o....
at the end... also nid spend money to buy N/P and MAG to finish dis ASS ,
i really 1 bankrupt already lo~
sim sim.... v nid to gambade to make it!

PR Writing
i'm really weak in writing...and paper work...
but... as a PR... muz expert on DIS~
my god....how can i make it o... my BI was weaker den a primary school student also...
i really scared that i will make worse my group assignment...
sim sim, 10,
forgive me if our ASS got a low mark...

dis friday was PC fair le...
actually i got a bit nervous on it...
because i hv a unpleasure experience on it....
hopefully... it wont b happen again lo!
ok.. is time to prepare myself to go college...
GAMBADE everyone!

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that is sooooooooooo many people has talk about my nose...
why they will just mention the nose part but not the other?
because my mom has give me a big hole nose...
actually this really has make me sad for a long time
i cant control my face when i birth
my nose is natural
although its hole is bigger than other,
it still is a part of me!
i sad is because when u guys just target my nose and talk about it...
actually i not care about it at starting...
but when someone or some group of people say that:
Lxxxxx , ur nose is similar with fun fun 1~
it make me feel sorry to Lxxxxx,
because of me den she also has become a character that has big hole nose....

i has talk about this to my secondary school friends,
and they also has provide their advice to me:
why u so care about others talk about u?
ya... why i care about what you guys say?
whatever you guys has say also wont change my face or my nose...
then for what i so care about the talks?
by the way,
i know that you guys just want to kidding me onli...
i wont get mad about it!
and i want to tell you guys...


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