after the final exam finish... it's time to enjoy the holidays ~

but unluckily.. is juz 2 weeks onli!!



my friend has 1 month to let her play 'Gao Gao'!!

haiz... bt as long as hv holiday no nid to go coll... is ok to me~

erm... no plan in dis holiday at first...

actually is wanna work part time job... but the company that i go interview : G2 is havent reply me yet...

and mom has a new baby that not enough 2 month nid to take care, so i stay at house to help her n not going
to find work anymore...
but is luckily~

miss Louise tel me her friend is looking for a promoter urgent... and de salary is quite nice also~

and de location is at MID VALLEY there~

hoho ... is gud to me because i juz nid take ktm den can reach there already~

is a long time dat i dint work alone jor~

a bit nervous and worry about the collegue is nice or not...

Luckily~ they all were very nice and v hv a funny worktime together also~

Ben: our team leader, treat us so nice and always tell us not feel stress during our worktime~ ( although he is
the most stress guy between us =) )

James: Boss of our booth, damn nice and like to giv free gift to other~ (sure that including us lar~ thanks
James~ luv u so much)

Ann: cashier , but actually she gud in promoting, not like de common cashier.. she is DAMN talkative! haha~

Jia yinn: leng lui promoter~ a lot of customer like to talk wif her~ and there is some agents wanna hang out with her also~

Joey: cute cute gal~ is a talkative type also...feel like v r the same type~ hope next time v got chance to
shopping together~
Christine, Carmen: although not always chat wif both of u.. but feel like u guys really damn gud in promoting~

i'm really enjoy dis work experince, hope that i stil hv chance to work wif u guy, Knife Sesame Oil FIGHT!!


and tomorrow is the time to shopping wif my da bian gang lo~

purchase our swimsuit and go sing k~

but cant join us... becasue she is facing her exam now..

bt v still gt alot time to hang out togther rite??


hope all of my friend also can enjoy their sweet holiday~

luv u guys =)

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is going to face the last paper b4 graduate diploma ...

actually it is a resit paper for me... dat's y now i full of scared emotion when i think of it!!
i scared that i will fail on this paper and cant graduate my diploma !!

i don't want to wait 1 more year juz because i fail on dis paper...

untill now... i still not understand y i will fail dis subject... although i read the wrong part from the guidelines.. but i still confident in answer it! 

when i noe i fail dis subject.. i really damn sad and disappointed.. 

because b4 we get our result , friends say worry about dis paper i still remember that time i say that: " i think is ok for us to pass it!"

omg... how shame i say this kind of thing and after dis i fail it!!

most of my friend has started their honey moon bt for me... i still nid to wait until 27 April!!

geram nya....y this paper nid plan in b4 27 ..... haiz...

bt after exam i think i also cant enjoy my holidays...

because i going to work part time and earn money... A LOT OF $$$!!

i don't want anyone say that I'M USELESS AND JUZ LIKE TO SPEND MONEY!!

although i spend money to buy anything bt i using my own money... DIS IS MY BUSINESS!!!

i noe u nt going to listen to my explaination.. n i also noe dat u wont c this post in forever of ur life...

bt i wanna tel u.... U R WRONG IN UR PERCEPTION TOWARD ME!!!

ooop... maybe got some overtopic here.... haha.. paiseh...

anyway.. wish everyone can bless for me in passing this subject.. my future.. IS WAITING FOR ME!

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i really tired for the relationship of friend now...
some people i tot i know them vry wel but now i juz find it not like dat...
izzit i hav change n it make me think differently or is U has change???
i got no idea... i hope .. i just for temporary...
because... I really TIRED of this kind relationship!!
IT IS so fake for me to maintain!!!
always smile in front of u all not means that I am happy with the statement that u all talking about...
i not rejected it is because i care about this relationship and don't like to spoil it..
but... it is so hard for me to maintain now....
i so Sick wif that FAKE face, action, attitude,behavior and so on....
maybe is gud for me if i NOT VERY CARE about friend....

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as usually... i work for PC fair again..
as usually... i work for Sensonic again...
as usually... i stay at my friend house for easy me go to work...
but the different is: i stay at college hostel ~
n... because of i always will force myself to serious in every job that i hv..
so it make me get pressure in my worktime also...
but now... i noe how to get enjoy~
and .. i really like the member that we work together~
although... there are '2' problem guys is inside our group..
but dis is small pro onli~
Jason has change a lot in dis PC fair~
not onli me feel like dat..other senior dat work b4 also think like dat!
he change to b more flexible to discount the product~
not like last time so 'kiam siap' lo~
and dis has make MORE easy for our work !
cause v hv a point that would make customer wanna purchase the product!
hoho... and i hv successful clear the stock of G20 mouse~
thanks for my group member Kiki and Antox boy~
although they as a junior dat first time work for PC fair but they gud in promote also~
For our TOP SELLER & MAIN SPEAKER miss Tan Annlyn...
thanks for ur leading~
Miss Sim Maeko also suffer for scouting in whole day .. muz take care ur voice ya~
Mr. Chocolate Card was pro in explain the GPS!!
Miss Jaclynn and Evelyn they also expert in their section~
although i damn tired after work nonstop in 3 days.. bt v really feel happy and hv fun wif u all~
luv u all~
btw... i hv buy webcam already.. hoho~ so happy~
wait for next PC fair~

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is a long long time ...
i dint online within 2 1 week!!!
1 week , 7 days , 168 hours for me dint online in house!!
although d pc has been repair and send back to my house..
but without a connection to internet... pc become useless for me already...
i'm thirsty for online is last week!!!
luckily we still got a spare modem for back up...
ya noe.... a modem is worth for hundred more...
my mom sure wont easily to spend the money for it...
my elder bro always say dat:
' u 1 xxx den pls giv me money or nothing'
damn him!!
if i got money den wont ask him to fix the pc lar!
i wont direct call somebody go to my house and fix o???
bt luckily,
my eldest bro noe how to fix the pro and now i can online anytime~
luv him~
bt now still got a problem...
i havent start my revision since dis Thursday!!
not because i'm lazy ya~
erm.... maybe a bit lar~
but de main reason is: i'm get fever already...
at the first... i tot i really get H1N1 ...
so scared...
cause dis fever has keep continue 4 days already...
but luckily~
im b recover today~
although sore throat stil remain ...
hope can b recover completely before Monday is coming!
because... tomorrow was de first day for me to step into WAR FIELD!
my friends... please pray for me!!

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first time when i saw that Alice...
the first thing appear to my mind is:
" y dis Alice will b so old 1 ya???" bad izzit?
bt actually dis movie is saying dat 12 years later after the litter Alice back to the human world..
dat y they found a around 20 years old gal to act "Alice" character..
( paiseh yo Alice...)
first time watch de 3D version movie...
bt really.. i like de effect~ combined the sound effect , will make u think dat the cat in the Alice wanna come out from the movie!
maybe dis is de first time i watch 3D, dats y my eyes still can use to b ...
summore i really dint rest well in dis few days... maybe my eyes wanna start complaint already jor....
btw... i really feel damn HAPPY after i watch Alice!








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maybe.. i'm kind of an 'idiot' in editing blog...
how to add picture, link friend blog, changing the layout...
i'm really weak on dis all...
i try to ask ppl and do it myself but it doesn't work..
Lian.. i hav get ur guideline for doing dis but sorry for my 'stupid'...
if some of my friend noe how to do dis...

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today going to happen many things:
*going to pass my assignment,
*going to know what my result of last sem,
*going to take the mid term of the subject of public and media relation.
and..i hv fail 1 subject in my result...
damn... i dint expect i will fail any subject on last sem,
i already spend all of my saving to the the May's trip ...
and i also not dare to tel my parents about dis...
in dis time.. i really feel like there still a lot of friends are beside me...
when i telling my trouble to Louise,
she noe my feeling and say that:
" if u really dun hv money for resit and not dare to take it from ur parents there,
u juz borrowed from us."
i say dat she is my friend not because of she 1 to lend money to me...
is because that she really 1 to help me when i suffering...
i really feel glad that i 'm having dis kind of friend...

During lecture time,
i accept a terrible news from Sim Yee in toilet there...
she tel me dat is a changes for the fees of Resit Paper!
We nid to paid RM100 per Resit Paper!
y always increasing de fee???
But i still havent check that izzit dis news is true or not...
i really hope dat it juz is a rumor...

Sim Sim ,sorry for i cant go sing k wif u,
for the first i know my result is like dat,
i really dun hv any mood to going out today...
i noe i 'm not de Most moody in dis time,
but i really... stress and juz wanna stay in house...

But hor.... i still want WATCH Alice in 3D version!!
but ms. MK is keep busying and cant make it on tomorrow....
so... would M. MK and Ms Lian will free on dis Sat or Sun?
Jom we go watch Alice!

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first time i be so hardworking wake up in the morning and going to coll...
but dun hv tutor???
wat happening now???
if mr/ms/mrs u r busy and cant come to cls please inform to our class rep or course rep,
or juz post memo on de bulletin board there...
but DONT juz simply miss de cls ok??
v r HARDWORKING student and sure will attend cls de...
ur action will make us wanna 'remember' u de ..
~ tk picture in cls ~
annlyn in cls
take 2
louise in cls

no cls.. den how? i spend 1 and half hour go to college but now juz go home without do anything?
hoho..luckily mr. card was awake and v can go his house GAMBLING~
it will more fun than study at class room =)
but.. unlucky.. i has LOSE !
RM 15 le.... my heart is broken lo....
izzit my luck is no more?
i will win back my money de ~
wait and c!!

nite.. nid visiting our 'dai ga jie' house ,
cause dis CNY i dint visiting anyone else house lo...
make me abit disappointed and sad...
so~ her house is the second house i visit on CNY,
first house i go is 30 's house~ but there are 3 of us going onli...
nw~ v got 4 persons here and with de 'yee shang'~
soo happy neh~
cause i havent' lao yee shang 'yet lo~
dis year also is de first year v gambling in sf house there...
i lose RM15 again!!!
i total lose RM30 in today le!!!
my heart broken to thousand pieces....
luck??? where r u??
i missing u neh!
nvm... go to lao shang first~
i has take video while v lao shang...and sf was very fast in posting de video to youtube lo~
lucky my face juz appear less than 5 seconds onli~
yee shang
liang jia fu nv is here!
prepare to eat lo~
take' quan jia fu' b4 v start to 'lao sheng'
i will miss today so much~

i like of of u guys~muaks~

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when i sign in msn den i will found dat,
most of my friend was confusing on 'LOVE' problem....
i noe.. now is the period ( around age of 20 ) for us to think about it...
sometime... i also will think dat... will i never couple wif someone else again?
i noe myself very well... i wont like de others will spend their time wif their 'partner'..
i rarely go out wif boys.. especially wif 1 boy onli...
i scared i will make him misunderstanding or something..
haiz.... izzit my attitude got something wrong??
i noe... i cant escape dis kind like thing anymore... if keep like dat... i think i really will become 'lao gu po ' lo...
when i noe someone was admire on me...
i will automatically think dat: i nid to reject him / nid to keep a distance wif him
weird right???
i also think like dat...
i can keep a gud friendship wif boys,
but i cant accept them b my 'partner'...
and dis make me miss a chance....
now i always keep de memory that wif 'him'..
can i say that i'm regret??
but dis all is past already..
Valentine & CNY are coming soon..
know dat everybody will confusing on dis issue~
dat's y i also post my problem here...
fa qiao mar~
in the end...
luv u all~ muaks~

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